Strengthening manager-employee relationships

Relationship between

Managers and Employees

            The relationship between your managers and your employees is key to maintaining a productive and happy workplace. Here's how to improve the dynamic.

                Manager and employee relations are an important aspect of day-to-day business operations. Poor relationships in the workplace can directly impact employee performance and retention. You shouldn’t run the risk of losing good workers due to something solvable like poor working relationships. Here’s what you need to know about improving manager-employer relations for long-term success (Caramela, 2023). 

What is relationship management in the workplace, and why is it important?

Source: businessinsider

            Employee relationship management describes an organization’s ongoing effort to engage its employees and keep them satisfied. This initiative involves maintaining open communication in the workplace among workers of all levels. Positive manager-employee relationships in the office encourage productivity and collaboration among teams. When there’s mutual respect between a manager and a worker, there’s more willingness on both ends to offer support and perform well.

            How you and your managers treat employees directly impacts employee behaviour and output, and good leadership plays an essential role in forming a close, efficient team. Positive relationship management can increase employee engagement, productivity, creativity, innovation and collaboration. 

            Strong manager-employee relations can also help reduce employee absenteeism and employee turnover. The opposite, of course, is also true. In fact, a GoodHire survey found that 82 per cent of workers would quit a job because of a bad manager (Caramela, 2023).

Five Ways to Enhance Manager-Employee Relationships

Source: peopletalkonline

1. Plan regular one-on-one check-ins

Positive manager-employee relationships begin here. Meeting in person on a weekly or monthly basis to share ideas, solve issues, and measure progress toward goals. These sessions will make employees feel more at ease asking for assistance and will provide the manager with a deeper knowledge of the diverse personalities and motivations of their team members (IceHrm, 2023).

2. Request Feedback

Constructive criticism is a two-way street. Employees must be aware of what they are doing well and where they may improve, and managers must be aware of what is and is not working within the team or department. Inquire what you, as a boss, can do to make their work easier or more effective. Inquire about any adjustments they would want to see made to processes or policies. Workers are far more inclined to stay with a firm if they believe their views are being heard.

3. Acknowledge Excellent Work and Guide Often

Taking credit for the efforts of their staff is one of the worst things a manager can do. Supervisors should make a point of openly congratulating staff on individual initiatives, ideas, and results. Employee morale may be improved by demonstrating that you acknowledge and appreciate their efforts.

Employees will be more open to constructive comments if they are praised. Finding that balance between positive and negative feedback will demonstrate to employees that constructive input originates from a neutral, objective source.

4. Concentrate on Career Development

Demonstrate to employees that you care about their advancement and want to assist them in moving up the corporate ladder. If individuals believe they are stuck in a dead-end job and their boss is doing nothing to help them, it won't be long before they start sending out applications and cover letters. Utilize check-in meetings to discuss long-term career objectives with employees and create a route to assist them to get there.

5. Encourage a Good Work-Life Balance

Workers are significantly more likely to hate management if they believe they are on the clock 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People want to work for a firm that values their lives outside of work, and they'll depart quickly if another organization provides that balance.

Let workers leave work at work. Don't bother them with emails late at night or on weekends. While they are not in the office, do not send them an instant message. Let staff work from home whenever possible. Let your staff have a long lunch or leave early on Friday afternoon if they have worked hard all week to complete a project. They'll appreciate it, and it will inspire them to work even harder on their next job (IceHrm, 2023).

Source: progressiveimpact


Strengthening the relationship with employees will make the employee feel engaged in work and make him provide efficient and satisfactory work. Moreover, the employee will provide acceptable customer service and will stay loyal to the organization. Together will help the growth of the company.      


Caramela, S. (2023) How to Improve Relations Between Your Managers and Employees. Available at: (Accessed: March 20, 2023).

IceHrm (2023) Five ways to enhance manager-employee relationships, IceHrm. IceHrm. Available at:,Career%20Development%205%205.Encourage%20a%20Good%20Work-Life%20Balance (Accessed: March 21, 2023).



  1. Agreed. According to Marchington and Wilkinson (2008)Employee relations is characterised by both conflict and cooperation, described the management of employee relations as being vital to the success or failure of an organisation and it is seen as central to Human resource management.
    Also (Dawson 1995)acknowledged that the achievement of organisational objectives depends upon employment relations, evidence from (Limerick 1992)suggests that individual empowering should be consistent in the event of strategic change.

    1. The relationship between managers and employee is essential thing in company environment. Even though they both have conflict and not come to a mutual agreement. Still both work together to achieve a common goal of the company. There are challages to make them inline still which can be achievable with correct direction and supervision.

  2. You mention the benefits of positive manager-employee relationships, but are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to this approach?

    1. There will be challages when we approaching manager - employee relationship. Most of the time the managers will stand with the company side and employees will stand to there benefit. However both can arrive to a place with agreements, discussions. Managers can attract the employees by providing minimum facilities. Remote work also a bridge to maintain the relationship.

  3. Quite an elaborative post. I agree with the writer. Often times organizations overlook this aspect in analysing determinants of employee turnover. Positive manger - subordinate relationships can sometimes assit in retaining employees even through tough economic times.

  4. This is an interesting topic. Appreciation is one key factor that all employees expect for the work they do. The organisation policies should create the pathway for such appreciations to happen. Managers too have the main responsibility in recognizing employees and appreciating them. Proper employee manager relationship would increase employee engagement. The more the feedback given the more the employee productivity increases and thereby reduces turnover. Managers should also be open enough to facilitate a work-life-balance for the employees which in turn would increase employee loyalty.

    1. Yes, employee manger relationship support company's growth. Which will increase the productivity level of employee, Job satisfaction level will increase, employee work life balance will be maintain. In return employee will provide his/her full strength on the work and work efficiently to achieve effective output.

  5. It's great to see the emphasis on the importance of positive manager-employee relationships in the workplace. The suggested ways to enhance these relationships, such as regular one-on-one check-ins and acknowledging excellent work, are practical and effective ways to improve communication and trust between managers and employees. Encouraging a good work-life balance is also crucial for promoting employee satisfaction and retention. Overall, these strategies can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and collaboration within teams, which ultimately benefits the growth of the company.

  6. This is an ideal topic to discuss and most important to modern business because we can see most of the organisations facing number of problems due not having proper relationship between employee and employer. The second factor that you have highlighted "requesting feedback" is more important as I think and it's something that most of the managers don't do and reluctant to do. Because they think that getting the feedback from their employees are not that important and they quite underestimate their employees. I believe that requesting feedback is more important factor for the success of a organisation.

  7. It's a good article, Well explained and summarized, and the points are very understandable.


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