Team Building


Team Building

What is team building?

Figure 1.1
Source: Teambuilding

            Team building is the process of helping a group of people learn to work effectively as a team. Team building usually involves activities and events that are fun and motivational and help the team build skills like problem-solving, planning and communication (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).

Importance of team building

Team building is one of the most important investments you can make for your employees. Team building:

  • Encourages networking and socializing. Socializing increases morale and helps employees work together more effectively to solve problems in the workplace.

  • Boosts team performance. After completing team building activities together, employees better understand one another's interests, strengths and weaknesses.

  • Improves productivity. Fun team-building activities can help employees connect in a more effective way, teaching them to work well together.

  • Fosters innovation and creativity. Successful team building contributes to a more creative workplace, as people tend to have a larger imagination when they are comfortable.

  • Improves communication. Team-building activities help people to be more comfortable with one another, improving communication in the workplace 

     (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).

Let us now discuss the various benefits of team building to an organization:

Source: vantagecircle

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Through team-building exercises, the strengths and weaknesses of each member can be identified. In day-to-day routine work, such an analysis cannot be done. These competencies can be used by managers to form effective teams.

Direct Towards Vision and Mission

Team building activities define the role and importance of the team for the organization to reach its vision. It makes the individuals understand the organization’s goals, objectives, mission and vision very clearly and motivates them to contribute towards it.

Develops Communication and Collaboration

 Team building activities enhance the interpersonal relations of the team members. It makes individuals comfortable and familiar with one another. Collaboration develops trust and understanding among the team members.

Establishes Roles and Responsibilities

 It defines and clarifies the role of each member of a team. Moreover, the members are given individual responsibilities, along with the motivation to perform as a team.

Initiates Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving

In a team, individuals are motivated to give their views, opinions and solution to a particular problem. It leads to brainstorming and exploring their creative side.

Builds Trust and Morale

By conducting team-building activities, the organization makes the employees feel valued. It encourages them to develop their skills and build strong interpersonal relations, ultimately boosting the morale and trust of the team members.

Introduces and Manages Change

The technique of team building makes it easier for managers to incorporate an organizational change by making the individuals familiar with the change and its necessity. It also helps in managing such change and its impact on the working and team’s performance.

Facilitates Delegation

The managers find it more suitable to delegate the work to a team rather than an individual. Therefore, team building helps managers to efficiently and adequately delegate tasks to the team.

Better Productivity

 If the team is wisely formed and all the team members work collaboratively to achieve the objectives, the productivity of all the individuals will improve. Thus, increasing the productivity of the team and the organization.

Team building is not an easy task. A high-performance team can fulfil organizational objectives. However, an inefficient team can lead to a wastage of time and resources of the organization (Limited, I.U., (no date).

Source: emploi.lefigaro

Therefore, we can say that there are multiple adverse effects of team building too, which are as follows:

Develops Conflict

 Sometimes, the team lacks coordination and understanding among its members. This leads to conflict and clashes within the team and hence decreases efficiency and productivity. A lot of time is wasted in such conflict management.

Unproductive or Freeride Team Members

At times, some of the team members do not contribute much to team performance. Such individuals are considered to be freeriding team members. They prove to be inefficient and less productive for the team.

May Lead to Non-Cooperation

Every individual is different from one other. The team members sometimes lack cooperation and unity. This non-cooperation among the team members leads to a waste of effort and hinders the performance of the team as a whole.

Difficult to Evaluate Individual Performance

Whatever the result or the outcome the organization gets by team building is the team’s achievement or failure. Usually, the organization overlooks the contribution of each member individually while rewarding the efforts of the whole team.

Involves Cost

Team building activities require time and money. Moreover, a lot of time, cost and resources are consumed in ensuring coordination, balance, feedback, decision making and conflict management within the teams formed.

Accountability and Credibility Issues

In case of failure, it becomes difficult to find out the reason. The team members sometimes do take up accountability for their work, holding the other members to be responsible for the unfavourable outcome. In case of success, the team members get busy taking up the credit themselves, ignoring the efforts of the whole team together (Limited, I.U., (no date).

10 Key Elements of Teamwork

Effective teamwork won’t manifest itself without dedicated guidance and the right project management skills.

To achieve a team-centred workplace culture, leadership must make a concerted effort to build a transparent and supportive environment that encourages teamwork at all levels. By becoming familiar with the different attributes that constitute strong team management, leaders can take an assertive approach when establishing effective teamwork in their organization.

Here are 10 practical ways how to achieve teamwork in the workplace:

1. Communicate openly and transparently

2. Establish a clear organizational purpose

3. Set concrete team goals

4. Promote ownership and accountability

5. Delegate tasks based on strengths

6. Promote efficiency and avoid micromanagement

7. Support employees in building team cohesion

8. Create a culture of ideas and innovation

9. Reward teams for taking risks

10. Make trust an essential value (DeakinCo, 2022)



Team-building activities are essential for managers because they help to improve team morale and communication. By establishing team-building skills and teamwork, managers can overcome communication barriers and build trust within their team. Team building enhances members' knowledge by exchanging ideas. And it supports the growth of the organization.


DeakinCo (2022). 10 key elements of effective teamwork . Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023).

Indeed Editorial Team. (2022, November 26). 30 Team-Building Ideas for the Workplace. Indeed Career Guide.

Limited, I.(U. (2022) Advantages and disadvantages of Team Building, LinkedIn. Available at: (Accessed: March 18, 2023). 

Sharma, S. (2023)5 important benefits and challenges of team-building activities at work - Risely. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2023].


  1. According to (Johnson, 1993 and Mohram, 1993). Today's business environment changes rapidly in financial, technological and social arenas, resulting are greater complexity than a single individual can handle. The pressures of the competitive environment have forced the organizations to change their organizational structure to the team-based organisation

    1. Modern world force the employers to be inline with the growth of the company in this competitive world. This leads companies to adapt to changes for instant team building. Team building support the company growth by higher productivity level, efficient work, decrease conflicts between employees, reduce wastage and less time consumption. Moreover team building direct employee towards a common goal of the organization.

  2. Team building has radically evolved as a technique to develop and manage effective teams in workplace. Of course the aim to achieve long-term organisational objectives develop the need for carrying out team building activities. Whatever sometimes, result or the outcome the organization gets by team building is the team’s achievement or failure. Usually, the organization overlooks the contribution of each member individually while rewarding the efforts of the whole team and Team building activities require time and money. Moreover, a lot of time, cost and resources are consumed in ensuring coordination, balance, feedback, decision making and conflict management within the teams formed. What you think? Anyway nice topic.

    1. My perspective is different from this. Building an effective team will reduce the cost of production, employees will provide engage and commitment work since they aware their work and getting support from colleagues. It will reduce the time consumption. When team get appreciations employees will encourage to work enthusiastically. Team building will have a crucial affect on end product or service.

  3. An interesting article about team building, and competitive working conditions follows concerns that may occur. Not everyone pulling in the same direction. Never-ending meetings. Potential for conflict. Team members seek personal glory, also when it comes to online working conditions, and digitalized working conditions, how will affect team building to organization?

    1. There are challages in team building. Specially employee try to get personal gains. Not supportive in team work, less productivity when working together. Company's managers should be able to eliminate threads and weaknesses. They can shaffle the team members time to time. As pick the hard working individual and providing bonus or promotion; others in the team will encourage to give their best.

  4. Interest article on why team building is important. What are the different ways you could approach team building initiatives?

    1. Team building is a crucial part in an organisation in this era. Builing a team will increase communication level between employees, reduce the conflicts, increase trust and morale, increase the productivity level and let us identify the strength, weakness if each other and guide them to improve. We can build team by make employee dependent on each other, transparency at work where they can share information between each other. Set team goals, rewarding team basis, provide appraisal and promotion to teams. these can support to build an effective team.

  5. Team building is build up in collaboration of the participants. It helps individual to find out there strength and weakness for instant public speaking skill, critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication skills, passion about the achievement of team goal. Listen to others opinions / ideas and welcoming creative and innovative ideas. These things will make all team members to take better leadership roles.

  6. Your articles are very interesting Azeem and also better feeling with knowledge . Team building is the process of creating a team that cohesively works together towards a common goal. The importance and main purpose of team building is to create a strong team through forming bonds and connections. Creating these bonds through team building is very beneficial to businesses and organizations A good team brings individuals together to work towards the organization's collective goals productively and efficiently. Working in a group, sharing knowledge and ideas, and understanding how different employees perform (strengths, weaknesses, etc.) leads to innovation, greater efficiency, and more profit.

  7. Very informative and good article !! The article highlights how team building activities can help identify strengths and weaknesses, define roles and responsibilities, enhance communication and collaboration, and promote creative thinking and problem-solving. It also touches on how team building can boost morale and productivity, and facilitate delegation and change management.
    My question is: What are some effective ways to address the adverse effects of team building and promote positive outcomes?

    1. Team building encourage the employees to work together towards a signage goal. My argument would be there will not be disadvantages rather than advantages. Building up team increase the trust between employees which will lead to develop the relationship between employees as well employer.

  8. Does any HRM theory interact with this concept of "Team building" ?

    1. There is not specific human resource theory related to team building, However human resource theories in general can be apply to team building. For instant strategic contingency theory can be apply to team building in and as trust and corporation among the employees.


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