Transparency at work

Transparency At Work: Why It’s Important
Source: digipli

            Transparency at work often translates into highly productive and effective organizations. Encouraged transparency eliminates confusion and builds trust with managers and employees, as you work towards establishing a healthy, happy and satisfying work environment. 
            Transparency in business matters from the second you hire people and affects long-term relationships because it fosters a company culture built on honesty, trust and open communications. Seeing as transparency in the workplace is a must for any organization, this article will cover what a transparent culture is, why it’s important, what kinds of benefits it offers and 8 effective ways to actually create it (Dagher, 2022). 

How transparency at work can help your team

            Some companies think open floor plans, monthly staff meetings, and detailed reports equate to transparency. But these are just logistics: transparency must be core to company values.
            Transparency at work requires great technology and a company culture centred on openness. The result: increased productivity and trust.

Here are a few ideas for creating a transparent organization.

Trust employees to make decisions

Source: achievers

            When important information is accessible, everyone will understand the goals of the company and feel empowered to make better decisions independently. Make sure that high-level priorities are communicated to all team members so everyone understands what they’re working toward.

Don’t keep responsibilities and job functions a secret

            We waste a lot of time trying to figure out who’s responsible for what and who to ask for help. Instead of using a complicated org chart, why not employ a simple list of responsibilities so each employee can take ownership of a specific set of tasks? As a result, everyone else on the team will be aware of what everyone else is working on and who they need to ask for guidance, deliverables, and sign-off.

Share results

Source: dreamstime

            Don’t just share plans, let employees see what worked and what didn’t. Leaders who speak openly about the state of the company gain trust. While it can be difficult to reveal you had a bad quarter financially, keeping employees in the know every step of the way maintains confidence in your leadership and company. It can be particularly important during periods of high growth or financial struggle.

Know where to draw the line

            Transparency isn’t about knowing everyone’s business, it’s about making sure everyone has the information they need to do their jobs effectively. Of course, there is such a thing as too much transparency; keep performance reviews, employee salaries, and other sensitive matters private. Every company has a different comfort level, so figure out what works best for you.

Hire the right people

Source: globallinker

            To maintain a transparent culture as your company grows, hire people who are excited about your approach. Communicate your values early in the interview process and ensure they resonate with candidates. The right candidates will be more excited to join your team if they are able to identify with your mission and philosophy, not just your product, or their specific role in the company.

Establish open communication channels

            Ensure that everyone in the company knows where to turn when they need information. Modern technologies like Asana break down the barriers of communication, making it easier to share big and small messages and announcements with employees across every department.
This article was inspired by the Fast Company article, “How Extreme Transparency Can Make Your Team its Most Productive” (Asana, 2014).

What are the benefits of workplace transparency?

1. Encourages communication and sharing

Source: insperity

When employees see how open and communicative upper management is with their entire organization, they'll also feel empowered to share. This could mean sharing innovative ideas, new processes to improve workflows or feedback during performance reviews. Companies thrive when their workforce trusts that they can safely bring forward new ideas and feedback. 

2. Better employee engagement and happiness

A transparent workplace recognizes its people's hard work and successes and builds trust among management and employees, which in turn, leads to happier, more engaged workers. Engaged and happy workers can only benefit your company's bottom line. 

3. Strong workplace culture and values

Source: surveylegend

When your company makes an active effort to share knowledge across the organization, it's demonstrating that management trusts, respects, and values employees at all levels. Leaders are responsible for setting the precedent that transparency is valuable, and expected across the entire organization. 

4. Better customer relations

All of the above benefits translate into better customer relations because your staff will care about your company's performance. Employees who feel trusted and respected will want their organization to thrive (Team, 2021)



Transparency can help to improve overall trust and honesty in the organization. it solves many problems and even stops disasters before they happen. Transparency in the workplace helps achieve many advantages and even increases revenue.


Asana (2014) 6 ways to create transparency at Work • Asana, Asana. Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023).

Dagher, K. (2022) Transparency at work: Why it's important (+ 6 ways to create it), Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023). 

Team, G. (2021) Transparency in the workplace: Why it matters and how to practice it - glassdoor for employers, US | Glassdoor for Employers. Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023). 


  1. Maintaining transparent Communication with employees in a very good initiative, but the organization cannot share all information with employees, due to sensitivity, legal constraints and contractual constraints. How would you decide on the limitations in being transparent with employees?

    1. Transparency in work related to human resource can be informations which can be disclosure to all the employees. For instant we can say the data coming out from an annual report. The progress on work where the employees are and where they need to go further. Transparency on how far company performed every month by giving incentive.

  2. Depending on how it is implemented, transparency can have either positive or negative consequences on an organization. It can increase communication, encourage ethical behavior, and trust, but it can also result in information overload and a greater risk of information breaches. Based on their unique objectives and circumstances, organizations should strike the correct balance when it comes to openness, taking into account both the potential dangers and rewards.

  3. Hi valuable article. As per my opinion transparency at work should be up to a limited level because third party can play around with that information. so what do you think of disclosure of each piece of information?

    1. Transparency means not disclosing all the company confidencial information. Rather it has deep meaning. Providing sufficient information to employees based on their level of position. Which the information help the employees to engage and commitment to work. Moreover motivate them while encourage them to work efficiently.

  4. I agree that workplace transparency is critical for fostering a healthy and productive work environment. Employee engagement, a healthy workplace culture, and superior company performance can all be attributed to open communication and trust between employees and management. The suggestions for developing a transparent company were beneficial to our organization.

    Would you like to share a few initiatives you have implemented at work to promote transparency and open communication?

    1. Employees got access to see their performance level. Insentive arrangements based on effective team work. Make teams made employee to communicate each other and share knowledges. Monthly achievement report shared with employees.

  5. Work place transparency is one of the most valuable concept and it directly involves with the employee commitment towards the organization. Separately it would enhance the employee motivation as well. Here your article you clearly describe about the concept of workplace transparency.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very useful article.If I add something, transparency in the workplace often results in highly productive and efficient.Encouraged transparency eliminates confusion and strengthens communication with managers and employees, as you establish a healthy, happy and transparency in business build long-lasting relationships because it fosters a corporate culture based on honesty, trust and open communications. Whereas transparency on the workplace a must for any organization

  8. Great job on summarizing the benefits of workplace transparency in the given article!

    The article emphasizes the importance of accessible information and open communication channels in promoting a transparent workplace culture. By sharing information and results, employees can understand the goals of the company and make better decisions. In addition, providing a simple list of responsibilities allows employees to take ownership of their tasks and be aware of what others are working on.

    Transparency also helps to build trust and engagement among employees, which can lead to a stronger workplace culture and better customer relations. However, the article also acknowledges the need to balance transparency with privacy, particularly in sensitive matters such as performance reviews and salaries.

    Overall, the article provides practical tips for promoting workplace transparency and highlights the positive impact it can have on the organization and its employees.


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