Emerging HR - Challenges and Recommendations


Emerging Human Resource

Challenges and Recommendations

Source: media.licdn


      Humans in their nature have always been complicated and very different, what works for some doesn’t work for others, and having to manage them has always been a difficult and not simple task. The constant changes from artificial intelligence, climate change, and pandemics have disrupted organizations and caused human resources managers to think differently about their work and to adjust to any changes that might happen. Whether you're a small, family-owned business or a much larger corporation, HR managers will face some difficulties when it comes to managing employees. In today’s tough and rapidly changing world, HR managers are on their toes to find solutions that work for both employers and employees while facing all the recent trends in the market. After hours of reading and researching, I have managed to list some of the most common issues and priorities that HR practitioners will be facing:

1- Talent Acquisition and Attracting New Talent:

      Attracting and retaining the right talent for the right position is not something new, it has always been the focus for businesses. However, the world facing many changes, and organizations keep adapting, making this task harder and more complicated to do in the near future.  

      Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was - and still is - the most important thing we do (Benioff, 2018)

      Attracting talents starts from the first stage of the filling vacancies process. HR practitioners should analyze and market the vacancies where the target talent is most likely to be, i.e. Linked-in, word of mouth, connections, etc.… During the screening and hiring process, HR needs to focus on how well the candidates will fit with the organization and how willing are they to adapt to changes before evaluating their fit for the position.

2- Employee Retention and Rewarding:

      Hiring the right talent is an important and sometimes hard step. However, retaining the right and high-performed talent will be a harder task shortly. As the organizations' competitors grow and offer competitive compensation packages, it will be harder to hire and reward the performers to build employee loyalty. For organizations to keep ahead of their competitors and to recruit talent, they need to offer generous reward packages to employees, give them the opportunity to continually update their skills, engage them in decision-making, and develop socializing opportunities. (Society of Human Resource Management, 2021)

3- Flexible Work Arrangements:

      Millennials are entering the job market and they have a different perspective on work than previous generations. When they apply for the job, they focus and place premiums on delivering results rather than working a set time, and most of them prefer working in a flexible environment. that will allow employees to work how they wish and be productive without affecting the company. The 2020 COVID pandemic is a live example of that. HR practitioners and companies should be ready to provide these arrangements for their required talents, as they might be the deciding factor for candidates. 

4- Future Leaders Preparation:

      Employees look at their supervisors and managers as a source of inspiration, which is good for the organization to train and prepare the next generation of leaders, therefore the companies should invest in creating relations between the managers and the front-end employees. Studies show that employees that have poor relations with their managers are four times more likely to quit and leave the organization than those who have good relations and feel that their managers are highly skilled, (Autry, 2019).

5- Diversity and Managing a Diverse Workforce:

Source: media.licdn

With the advancement of technology, fair trade, and Globalization, the world has turned into a small village, that affects humans, countries, as well as companies, and organizations around the world. Companies now have easy international market access and outreach and have customers from all around the world. To best serve them, they should diversify their products of course. But to do that they need to have a diverse human capital that can tackle plans, and make sure the organization's international outreach is achieved. Even if it were local incorporation or organization, you still find many cultures and diverse groups within one community and that could create a challenge for HR professionals to manage diverse groups within a local team. While following all the company policies and by-laws HR needs to make sure to create a welcoming and comfortable organizational environment. That could be implemented by creating cultural awareness programs that could help employees integrate, work together, and understand the benefits of diverse groups. 

6-   Build Experience Workforce:

      As discussed in point number two, hiring, and attracting talents is one big challenge, but keeping them and ensuring their loyalty is becoming a bigger challenge for HR professionals. It is important for companies to keep their expert employees and have a low turnover rate. That could be done by ensuring that the employees are satisfied with their jobs, the workplace, the organizational behaviour, and the people. When employees are glad about their jobs and responsibilities, they are less likely to seek employment elsewhere. That could be done by creating a unique employee experience that will beat the competitors by offering training programs and modern workplaces, flexible work time, and other incentives. We see live examples of such initiatives at some organizations like Google, Apple, Linked In, and others, their successful plan to acquire talents and retain expertise tells us the future of work. 


            The competitive world is moving towards digitalisation. Technological growth is bringing crucial challenges to Human resource management. As a pillar of the organisation, we need to adapt to modern technologies and go forward. Some of them need to be implemented immediately and some others can be adapted gradually. However, we need to change from time to time. Which will contribute to achieving the organisation's goals.




            Autry, A. (2019, January 7). 2018 employee engagement & loyalty statistics. The Access Perks Employee Benefits Blog. https://blog.accessperks.com/2018-employee-engagement-loyalty-statistics

            Lewis, N. (2020, April 23). HR managers rethink their role during the coronavirus pandemic. Society of Human Resource Management. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-news/pages/hr-managers-rethink-their-work-coronavirus-pandemic.aspx

            Society of Human Resource Management. (2021, April 16). Managing for employee retention. SHRM. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/managingforemployeeretention.aspx

            SpriggHR. (2020, September 29). The top HR challenges to overcome in 2020. https://sprigghr.com/blog/hr-professionals/the-top-hr-challenges-to-overcome-in-2020/


Alkosani, A. (2022) Emerging HR - challenges and recommendations, LinkedIn. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/emerging-hr-challenges-recommendations-ahmad-alkosani (Accessed: March 18, 2023). 


  1. Hi Azeem, I really enjoyed reading your blog about Emerging HR - Challenges and Recommendations. You have mentioned how millennials entering the workforce prefer a flexible work environment. While flexible work arrangements can offer benefits like improved work-life balance and autonomy, they can also present challenges for both employers and employees. Negative impacts may include a lack of collaboration, difficulty in managing employees, communication issues, isolation, and burnout. However, it's important to note that not all flexible work arrangements will have negative impacts, many companies have implemented flexible work arrangements successfully. Ultimately organizations must consider the potential benefits and challenges of flexible work arrangements and determine the best approach for their workforce.

    1. While agree with your argument; I wanted to add some points. As you said there are number of challages out there in flexible work arrangement. There is also positive side for it. It will reduce the cost of allocating a work place for each and every employee rather they can manage space in routine basis. By providing flexible hours of work employee will work more engagingly and efficiently, at the end it will increase the productivity level.

  2. Well established content. Retention of employees has become one of the key challenges faced by HR department. Especially with the economic crisis employees tend to look for better opportunities and move forward. Employees look for financial benefits and career progression when making decisions to leave their employer.

    1. At the same time after COVID 19 affect. Most companies actioned cost cutting by terminate a huge percentage of employee. Also reduced number of employee who carry out the same tasks. In my view most of the skilled, experienced employees lost their jobs. Others continue the works in half of the salary they got before the pandemic. Most employee nowadays jobless and looking for a job even less than their qualification.

  3. Move better awareness about the topic. Staff Training and Development:– It is quintessential for companies to constantly upskill their employees to stay ahead of competitors and increase revenues....
    Attracting Top Talent:- ...Talent Retention:- ...Ensuring Employees' Physical and Mental Well Being:- ...Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion:-
    Similarly, other challenges in HR concerning employees like attracting top talent, retaining the talent and training the workforce can also significantly impact the growth of an organisation. Since HR is the connecting point between the employees and employers, human resources must face several issues. This blog discusses a wide range of challenges in human resources and suggests ways to overcome those..

  4. According to the research article of ""The Relationship between Employee Retention and Reward Management: A Study of Private Sector Banks in India" by Shailendra Singh and Kavita Singh (2018) investigated the impact of rewards management practices on employee retention in private sector banks in India" there is a positive impact between rewards management practices and employee retention. So it is more significant to identify the employee talents and introduce a better rewarding system to encourage most suitable employees with in the organization.

  5. Hi Azeem, enjoyed reading your article on 'Emerging Human Resource
    Challenges and Recommendations', I'd like to add a point to here,where while millennials prefer working in flexible work arrangements, some fresh starters would prefer to work at office to learn from the senior employees of the company and according to https://hubblehq.com/blog/future-of-work-different-age-groups it mentions that Gen X & Baby Boomers also prefer working from home arrangements.

  6. The article highlights some of the most common emerging HR challenges faced by practitioners and provides recommendations to overcome them. The challenges include talent acquisition, employee retention and rewarding, flexible work arrangements, and future leaders preparation. The article emphasizes the importance of hiring the right talent for growth and the need for HR practitioners to analyze and market vacancies where the target talent is likely to be found. To retain high-performing talent, organizations need to offer competitive compensation packages and provide opportunities for employees to continually update their skills. The article suggests that companies should prepare the next generation of leaders by investing in creating relationships between managers and front-end employees. The recommendations provided in the article align with the views expressed in the book by Kew and Stredwick (2016) on the importance of flexible work arrangements and employee retention, as well as Dickmann and Baruch's (2011) emphasis on preparing future leaders. The challenges highlighted in the article are consistent with the views expressed in the book by Marchington and Wilkinson (2020), which argues that HR practitioners need to be on their toes to find solutions that work for both employers and employees. Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the emerging HR challenges faced by practitioners and provides useful recommendations to overcome them.

  7. HR professionals must be proactive and innovative in their approaches to recruitment, training and development, performance management, and employee engagement. Emerging challenges include the use of emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning, the changing nature of work and workforce demographics, and employee engagement. To address these challenges, HR professionals must develop innovative strategies and take a proactive approach to HR management. This includes fostering inclusivity and diversity, embracing emerging technologies responsibly, and prioritizing employee engagement and well-being.


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